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  • Italie
  • 70 cl
Limoncello Cellini 30 °
  • Limoncello Cellini 30 °
  • Limoncello Cellini 30 °

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My friends should not miss this!

Limoncello Cellini 30 °

In keeping with tradition, Bottega has selected the best lemons from Sicily and, thanks to the very modern production techniques and the use of Grappa (not just alcohol), gets a high quality liquor. Indeed, Grappa enriches the taste of this product which is now very fashionable around the world.
Spiritueux Liqueurs et crèmes
Température de service Entre 6 et 8°
Motivation d'achat Digestif
Couleur Jaune
Pays Italie
Région Sicile
A consommer idéalement Sans limite de temps
Contenance 70 cl
Degré d'alcool 30°

Limoncello Cellini 30 °

In 1977, in the region of Venice, the Distilleria Bottega was created, fruit of the marriage of Aldo Bottega and Rosina Zambon. In 1983, at the untimely death of her husband, Rosina found herself in charge of the Distilleria and headed her until her death in 2008, allowing her to achieve international recognition.
Information: Details:
Spiritueux Liqueurs et crèmes
Température de service Entre 6 et 8°
Motivation d'achat Digestif
Couleur Jaune
Pays Italie
Région Sicile
A consommer idéalement Sans limite de temps
Contenance 70 cl
Degré d'alcool 30°
Domaine Distilleria Bottega
Nom du vin Limoncello

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