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  • Japon
  • 70 cl
Gin Ki Bi No 45.7 °
  • Gin Ki Bi No 45.7 °

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My friends should not miss this!

Gin Ki Bi No 45.7 °

KI NO BI is a unique gin produced in an artisanal distillery located in Kyoto, Japan. Made from regional ingredients, its recipe is inspired by the history and culture of the city. KI NO BI which means "the beauty of the seasons" is a rice liqueur to which local botanicals have been added, including yellow Yuzu, sansho pepper and Uji gyokuro tea. This Japanese gin is blended with the famous Fushimi water before being bottled at 45.7 degrees.
Température de service Entre 8 et 10°
Spiritueux Gin
Couleur Blanc
Pays Japon
Région Kyoto
A consommer idéalement Sans limite de temps
Contenance 70 cl
Degré d'alcool 45.7°
Information: Details:
Température de service Entre 8 et 10°
Spiritueux Gin
Couleur Blanc
Pays Japon
Région Kyoto
A consommer idéalement Sans limite de temps
Contenance 70 cl
Degré d'alcool 45.7°
Domaine Distillerie Kyoto
Nom du vin Ki No Bi

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