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  • Irlande
  • 70 cl
Irish Whiskey Tullamore Dew 40 ° 70 cl 6b11bd6ba9341f0271941e7df664d056
  • Irish Whiskey Tullamore Dew 40 ° 70 cl 6b11bd6ba9341f0271941e7df664d056

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Irish Whiskey Tullamore Dew 40 ° 70 cl 6b11bd6ba9341f0271941e7df664d056

From a triple distillation Tullamore Dew is part of the purest Irish tradition. 6b11bd6ba9341f0271941e7df664d056 It is this specificity that makes it so sweet to taste. 6b11bd6ba9341f0271941e7df664d056 A whiskey of pleasure, to be enjoyed dry or as a cocktail. 6b11bd6ba9341f0271941e7df664d056
Spiritueux Whisky
Pays Irlande
Région Cork
A consommer idéalement Sans limite de temps
Contenance 70 cl
Degré d'alcool 40°

Irish Whiskey Tullamore Dew 40 ° 70 cl 6b11bd6ba9341f0271941e7df664d056

Tullamore D.E.W. 6b11bd6ba9341f0271941e7df664d056 is the only whiskey from the 3 types of Irish whiskeys. 6b11bd6ba9341f0271941e7df664d056 The spicy aroma of Pot Still combined with the complexity of malt whiskey and the sweetness of grain whiskey gives birth to Tullamore D.E.W., recognized as the most Irish whiskey. 6b11bd6ba9341f0271941e7df664d056 The origins of Tullamore D.E.W. 6b11bd6ba9341f0271941e7df664d056 date back to 1829 when the Tullamore Distillery was founded in the town of Tullamore, in the heart of Ireland. 6b11bd6ba9341f0271941e7df664d056 Daniel E. William played a major role in the expansion and development of the distillery and the town of Tullamore. 6b11bd6ba9341f0271941e7df664d056 In 1893 he introduced motorized transport and electricity in the city, so that he could make his whiskey as he wanted. 6b11bd6ba9341f0271941e7df664d056 This is why, with such influence, his initials inspired the name of the brand. 6b11bd6ba9341f0271941e7df664d056 Distilled three times with strength of character and a mild and accessible taste, it embodies the character of the Irish people, who have a unique and unwavering spirit. 6b11bd6ba9341f0271941e7df664d056 He has won more than 30 medals in the past 10 years. 6b11bd6ba9341f0271941e7df664d056
Information: Details:
Spiritueux Whisky
Pays Irlande
Région Cork
A consommer idéalement Sans limite de temps
Contenance 70 cl
Degré d'alcool 40°
Domaine Tullamore Distillery
Nom du vin Tullamore Dew
Whisky Blended Whisky

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