Du mal à choisir ?

Cette bouteille, c'est pour quelle occasion ?

Un repas Autour du repas
Un cadeau Faire une découverte !

Vous venez d'ajouter à votre panier

  • Espagne
  • 1 litre
  • Dernières bouteilles
Sparkling natural mineral water VCH Barcelona 1L VP
  • Sparkling natural mineral water VCH Barcelona 1L VP

Do you need information?

  • Searching for a certain vintage or a specific Grand Cru?
  • A personal or corporate event to organise?
  • Corporate and Business Committees, do you have a special request?

Contact us by email or phone: contact@moncopaincaviste.com or +33 4 22 132 640

Learn more


Ce produit est exclusivement disponible à la cave "Mon Copain Caviste" de La Colle sur Loup (06).

Pour toute information, veuillez appeler la cave au 04 22 132 640.
Nous nous ferons un plaisir de vous renseigner.

My friends should not miss this!

Sparkling natural mineral water VCH Barcelona 1L VP

Vichy Catalàn - VCH- is a legendary brand among European mineral waters. Its authentic taste and its mineral-medicinal properties contribute to its prestige among consumers and gastronomy professionals. Recent scientific studies show that daily consumption of VCH during meals helps regulate cholesterol and triglycerides. The water comes out gaseous, then is reinforced with carbon dioxide. The excellence and quality of water VCH Barcelona have been recognized by different countries over the years. In Spain, it is number 1 in the sparkling water market.
Pays Espagne
Région Catalogne
Contenance 1 litre
Information: Details:
Pays Espagne
Région Catalogne
Contenance 1 litre
Domaine VCH
Nom du vin VCH

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